Comment history with karmakiller
Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 comments
Yeah, 186 seemed a bit much. I'd hate to know how much it would've been if I was 20 or 15 over. I have an early bird class, so it's not manditory... but I leave early because right now I'm teaching 4th grade (with the teacher of course, lol.) so school does start at 8, but you have the option of taking an early bird class.
Whoa they actually have schools where classes start at 7:45? here by law all schools must begin at least 8am. You need to schedule sleep at least 10 or 11pm. and why would a cop give you a speeding ticket for only 10 mph. i guess he had nothing to do that day. cops are rather annoying sometimes.
lol, yeah... only i need money for that. i got a speeding ticket last friday for $186. :( and i was only 10 over. poooooo to that cop. i need to schedule sleep, haha. i have class at 7:15am, and i HATE mornings.
As far as time managing skills get a blackberry, seems a lil weird but it really helps.
Pretty much the same. I just started school yesterday, so I'm trying to manage finding time to get everything done during the day that I need to. It's a pain. I need better time management skills, hah.
Uhh... well... I can at least remember how to spell Vedder. Thanks for ruining my day =P Can I still call you Eddie Vedder? lol